(function($) { $.fn.jFlow = function(options) { var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.jFlow.defaults, options); var randNum = Math.floor(Math.random()*11); var jFC = opts.controller; var jFS = opts.slideWrapper; var jSel = opts.selectedWrapper; var cur = 0; var timer; var maxi = $(jFC).length; // sliding function var slide = function (dur, i) { $(opts.slides).children().css({ overflow:"hidden" }); $(opts.slides + " iframe").hide().addClass("temp_hide"); $(opts.slides).animate({ marginLeft: "-" + (i * $(opts.slides).find(":first-child").width() + "px") }, opts.duration*(dur), opts.easing, function(){ $(opts.slides).children().css({ overflow:"hidden" }); $(".temp_hide").show(); } ); } $(this).find(jFC).each(function(i){ $(this).click(function(){ dotimer(); if ($(opts.slides).is(":not(:animated)")) { $(jFC).removeClass(jSel); $(this).addClass(jSel); var dur = Math.abs(cur-i); slide(dur,i); cur = i; } }); }); $(opts.slides).before('
').appendTo(jFS); $(opts.slides).find("div").each(function(){ $(this).before('
').appendTo($(this).prev()); }); //initialize the controller $(jFC).eq(cur).addClass(jSel); var resize = function (x){ $(jFS).css({ position:"relative", width: opts.width, height: opts.height, overflow: "hidden" }); //opts.slides or #mySlides container $(opts.slides).css({ position:"relative", width: $(jFS).width()*$(jFC).length+"px", height: $(jFS).height()+"px", overflow: "hidden" }); // jFlowSlideContainer $(opts.slides).children().css({ position:"relative", width: $(jFS).width()+"px", height: $(jFS).height()+"px", "float":"left", overflow:"hidden" }); $(opts.slides).css({ marginLeft: "-" + (cur * $(opts.slides).find(":eq(0)").width() + "px") }); } // sets initial size resize(); // resets size $(window).resize(function(){ resize(); }); $(opts.prev).click(function(){ dotimer(); doprev(); }); $(opts.next).click(function(){ dotimer(); donext(); }); var doprev = function (x){ if ($(opts.slides).is(":not(:animated)")) { var dur = 1; if (cur > 0) cur--; else { cur = maxi -1; dur = cur; } $(jFC).removeClass(jSel); slide(dur,cur); $(jFC).eq(cur).addClass(jSel); } } var donext = function (x){ if ($(opts.slides).is(":not(:animated)")) { var dur = 1; if (cur < maxi - 1) cur++; else { cur = 0; dur = maxi -1; } $(jFC).removeClass(jSel); //$(jFS).fadeOut("fast"); slide(dur, cur); //$(jFS).fadeIn("fast"); $(jFC).eq(cur).addClass(jSel); } } var dotimer = function (x){ if((opts.auto) == true) { if(timer != null) clearInterval(timer); timer = setInterval(function() { $(opts.next).click(); }, 6000); } } dotimer(); }; $.fn.jFlow.defaults = { controller: ".jFlowControl", // must be class, use . sign slideWrapper : "#jFlowSlide", // must be id, use # sign selectedWrapper: "jFlowSelected", // just pure text, no sign auto: false, easing: "swing", duration: 400, width: "100%", prev: ".jFlowPrev", // must be class, use . sign next: ".jFlowNext" // must be class, use . sign }; })(jQuery); $(document).ready(function(){ $("#myController").jFlow({ slides: "#slides", controller: ".jFlowControl", // must be class, use . sign slideWrapper : "#jFlowSlide", // must be id, use # sign selectedWrapper: "jFlowSelected", // just pure text, no sign auto: true, //auto change slide, default true width: "100%", height: "201px", duration: 400, prev: ".jFlowPrev", // must be class, use . sign next: ".jFlowNext" // must be class, use . sign }); $("#carousel_i").sliderkit({ auto:true, shownavitems:3, scroll:1, circular:true, start:2, verticalnav:true, }); });